**Hebrew** לך, מחשבה, על כנפי זהב; ברך את גדות הירדן, כינור זהב של הנביאים הגורליים, אוי, דומה לסולימא בגורל,
**yídish:** גיי, געדאַנק, אויף גאָלדענע פליגל; גריס די Banks פון יאַרדען, האַרפּ פון גאָלד פון די מיסטעריעזע נביאים, אָה, ענלעך צו סאָלימאַ אין גורל, |
**Yidish transliteriert:** "Gei, gedank..." Gei, gedank, af goldene fliyg; Zikher di bankn fun di Yordan, Harp fun gold fun di fateful nevi'im, Oy, similar tsu Sòlima in gejv, |
**Hebrew transliterated:** **"Lech, machshavah..."** Lech, machshavah, al kanfe zohav; Kiblu et g'va'ot ha-Yarden, Kinnor zahav shel ha-nevi'im ha-gzarim, Oh, domé l'Sòlima b'katzon, |
**English:** **"Go, thought..."** Go, thought, on golden wings; Greet the banks of the Jordan, Harp of gold of the fateful prophets, Oh, similar to Sòlima in fate,
Author: Giuseppe Verdi (Composer.) Adaptation: Lara Giglia Fiorenza.
"Nabucco" Nabucco is one of Giuseppe Verdi's most emblematic operas, premiered in 1842. The work is marked by themes of exile, oppression and desires for freedom, reflecting the historical context of 19th century Europe, where nationalist and social movements began to rise. . The story is based on the biblical narrative of the Hebrew people in exile in Babylon, and this provides a rich layer of meaning that resonates with experiences of marginalization and the struggle for identity. The Jewish influence in "Nabucco" is particularly evident in the famous aria "Va, pensiero", sung by exiled Hebrews who yearn for their homeland. This moment in the opera became a hymn to freedom and hope, evoking the pain and suffering of the Jewish people throughout history. The music is deeply emotional and captured not only the essence of the struggle of the Hebrews in Verdi's narrative, but also the aspirations of many oppressed groups. The melody became a symbol of resistance, especially for Jews during the Holocaust, when the search for a safe home and cultural identity became even more crucial. Verdi's work, therefore, not only portrays an ancient story, but also connects to contemporary issues of identity and belonging. "Nabucco" transcended its time and became a platform for expressing solidarity and empathy, demonstrating how music can serve as a powerful vehicle for message and social change. Furthermore, Verdi, although not Jewish, demonstrated deep sensitivity to issues of oppression and freedom. His ties to the Jewish community and the receptivity of his works among Jews are well documented, reflecting a cultural exchange and awareness of the challenges faced by different groups. In short, "Nabucco" is more than an opera; It is a work that dialogues with the history and struggle of the Jewish people, resonating to this day. The Jewish influence in "Nabucco" is not limited only to its theme, but also extends to its cultural and social impact, confirming the relevance of Verdi's music in the context of struggles for freedom and human dignity..
"nabuku" nabukko iz eyner fun Giuseppe Verdi s merst simbolish operas, premird in 1842. di verk iz angetseykhnt durkh temes fun glus, drikung aun savs far frayheyt, vos shfiglt di histarishe kontext fun 19 yorhundert eyrope, vu di nashanalist aun gezelshaftlekh mvumants angehoybn tsu hekherung. . di geshikhte iz bazirt aoyf der biblisher dertseylung fun di hebreish mentshn in glus in bbl, aun dos git a raykh shikhte fun taytsh vos ekouz derfarung fun marjanalizeyshan aun dem gerangl far identitet. der eydisher hshpeh in "nabuku" iz spetsyel batseykhnt in der barimter arya "va, pensyero", gezungen fun glus-ebrim vos benkshaft nokh zeyer heymland. der moment in der opere iz gevorn a gezang tsu freyheyt aun hofenung, vos hot aroysgerufn dem veytik aun leydn funem idishn folk iber der geshikhte. di muzik iz tif emotsyonel aun hot farkhapt nit nor dem eikr fun dem gerangl fun di ebrim in verdi's dertseylung, nor aoykh di aspiratsyes fun a skh aunterdrikte grupes. der nigun iz gevorn a simbol fun vidershtand, spetsyel far eydn besn khurbn, ven di zukhn nokh a zikherer heym aun a kultureler identitet iz gevorn nokh mer kritish. verdi's verk git deriber nit bloyz an alte geshikhte, nor farbindt zikh aoykh mit heynttseytike frages fun identitet aun sheykhus. "nabuku" hot ibergeshtign ir tseyt aun iz gevorn a platform tsu aoysdrikn solidarishkeyt aun empatye, aun demonstrirt vi muzik ken dinen als a mekhtige getseyg far a mesej aun satsyale enderung. dertsu, hot verdi, khotsh nit keyn eydisher, bavizn a tife sensitivitet tsu di eninim fun drikung aun freyheyt. zayne farbindungen mit der eydisher khilh aun der optrog fun zayne verk tsvishn eydn zenen gut dokumentirt, vos shpiglt op dem kultureln aoystoysh aun visikeyt fun di tshalanjiz far farshidene grupes. bkitsur, nabukko iz mer vi an opere; dos iz a verk, vos redt tsu der geshikhte aun gerangl funem eydishn folk, ekzistirt bizn hayntikn tog. der eydisher hshpeh in "nabuku" bagrenetst zikh nisht bloyz tsu ir teme, nor tsit zikh aoykh tsu der kultureler aun gezelshaftlekher hshpeh, vos bashtetigt di vikhtikeyt fun verdis muzik inem kontext fun kamf far frayheyt aun mentshlekhkeyt. |