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✡️"Baruch ata Adonai"
✡️"Baruch ata Adonai"



Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha'olam, shomei'a kohanim.
Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'havin ol.
Lecha ner chanukat ha'maor al yedei chorin u'v'rachaman.
Vi'atin dal ma'ala kolenu shir panim mechupa.
Lecha dodi dikienu b'chol yom Shabbat.
L'shama v'roch shama, m'kadesh Yisrael shimchat tzofim, lamnatziah Yehudah v'Yosef.
Ve'al shalom aleichem, malkeinu, challaleh lecha, halelu, halelu, halelu.
Halelu, halelu, halelu, halelu, hallelujah.


Halechu l'chatchila, arurim m'komanim, al nishmat Abba Tzion ve'Ima Rochel.
Halechu l'chatchila...
Halechu l'chatchila, arurim m'komanim, al nishmat Abba Tzion ve'Ima Rochel, chatzi kallah ru'achot, shelo asanu m'chetzi.
Chatzim hanefesh, chai almoot, shel chulam ahuvim.
Shafalu lanetzach, boneh yerushalayim.
Bechal chamocha ki ehad.
Bechal chamocha ki ehad, shelo asanu m'chetzi, havienu l'chatchila, v'hitchanenu m'komanim, al nishmat Abba Tzion ve'Ima Rochel.
( Tov li yesh otcha b'chaiyai. Ani modé sheyeš otcha b'shelí." )

Ve'al hamavdil bemeitah dumah, yitbarach shemo keneged hallayla halailah.
Vel'khol chalomotchem, yitbarach shemo keneged hal'tachat hasheloshet almilot bamavdil bechartum.
Ya'ir Adonai mal'kei cholem.
Ya'ir Adonai mal'kei cholem, alaynu v'al chol Yisra'el ve'eretz cholveteihem.

Alaynu v'al chol Yisra'el ve'eretz cholveteihem, v'imru amen.



Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, who hears the priests.
Who sanctify ourselves with Your commandments and try to understand the world.
To You, a light for the dedication of light through people free and with compassion.
And may we, the humble, raise all our faces under the covering.
To You, my beloved, who gives us each day of Shabbat.

To hear and bless, the sanctifier of Israel, the joy of the watchers, for the salvation of Judah and Joseph.
And upon you peace, our King, who praise You, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.


Go forth from the beginning, cursed be those who are in their places, by the soul of Abba Tzion and Ima Rochel.

Go forth from the beginning...
Go forth from the beginning, cursed be those who are in their places, by the soul of Abba Tzion and Ima Rochel, the half of the bride of souls, who did not make us a half.
Halves of the soul, live eternally, of all the beloved.
Let us bow down for eternity, builders of Jerusalem.
As you are unique.
As you are unique, who did not make us a half, bring us from the beginning, and prepare us from our places, by the soul of Abba Tzion and Ima Rochel.
(It is good to have you in my life. I am grateful to have you in mine.)

And upon him who makes the separation amidst the darkness, may His name be blessed, as it is this night.

And over all your dreams, may His name be blessed, as well as under the expression of the three words that make separation in its essence.
May the Lord illuminate the kings of dreams.
May the Lord illuminate the kings of dreams, over us and over all Israel and the land of their dwellings.

Over us and over all Israel and the land of their dwellings, and say amen.
